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10 Ways My Mind Has Been Renewed by the Word

Did anybody ever sign your yearbook with, “Don’t ever change!”?  That was pretty common in my neck of the woods, but what terrible advice!  I once heard a man say that the only folks that don’t like to be changed are babies.

Renewed MindChange can certainly be a bad thing, but when we change as God would have us to change, in fact, when we let God change us, it’s a blessing, and it’s glorious.  God indeed desires to change all of His children whom He adopts.  Every one of our sorry selves, He wants to transform us by conforming us to the image of His Son Jesus Christ, and Romans 12:2 tells that He does so by the renewing of our mind.

How is this done?  To have your mind renewed is to begin to think as God thinks.  Our mind, even at conception, are naturally set against God and does not think like God does.  Furthermore, over the course of our lives, our minds are shaped by the many worldly influences we come into contact with so that move farther away from the way God thinks.  But, when a person comes to trust Jesus as Savior and Lord, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and begins to study God’s, they begin that transition to be conformed to Christ, theologically known as sanctification.  In submission to Christ, they begin to read the Word of God, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they begin to understand and apply that Word to their life.  Over the course of this process, their mind becomes renewed so that they think like God thinks.

I want to share with you today as a testimony the power that God’s Word has had on my life.  I am convinced of these things by the Word of God but will not here argue for these things from the Word of God.  I simply offer these as a testimony.  If you believe that I’ve missed the Bible’s teaching on something, then I’ll be glad to engage the Bible at that point.  What a glorious thing it is to be changed to think how God thinks!

#1 – I used to think that I would be good enough to enter into Heaven, but I’ve been renewed in mind to understand that I’m morally bankrupt and that Jesus’ righteousness is my only hope to enter into Heaven.

#2 – I used to think that abortion should be safe, legal,and rare, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that life is sacred from conception to natural death and should be protected.

#3 – I used to think that human reproduction should be limited because children are a burden, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that children are a blessing from the Lord and that we should be open to His leading concerning concerning how many we have.

#4 – I used to think that the world revolved around me and my desires, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that God and His desires are the center of the universe and not me.

#5 – I used to think that work is a bother and should be avoided as much as possible, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that work is a gift from God and that even the most menial task should be done unto His glory.

#6 – I used to think that sex is no big deal and should enjoyed as much as possible with as many people as possible, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that sex is sacred and is to be enjoyed within God’s bounds only.

#7 – I used to think that revenge is sweet, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that vengeance is the Lord’s; He will repay.

#8 – I used to think that life is full of randomness, chance, and meaninglessness, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that God is working everything after the counsel of His will so that everything is according to His plan and has a purpose.

#9 – I used to think that success in life is measured by the amount of money, power, and prestige one could gain, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that success in life is measured by how faithful to God one is.

#10 – I used to think that we should eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we’ll die, but I’ve been renewed in my mind to understand that life is to be lived with an eternal perspective, knowing that physical death is the end of no one and that we’ll all stand before God in judgment in the age to come.

“Don’t ever change,”?  No thanks!  I pray we won’t ever stop changing until we become fully conformed to Jesus Christ through the renewing of our minds!!

Now it’s your turn to respond. What are the major ways that God has renewed your mind?  Have I missed the Bible on any of my shifts in thinking?


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