There are more than a few “Walker, Texas Ranger” fans out there. I know I’m sure one of them. Any time I get a chance to see Chuck Norris beat up the bad guys, that’s a good day. I’m curious this morning, do you remember the theme song that opened up that show:
In the eyes of a Ranger,
the unsuspecting stranger
had better know the truth of wrong from right.
‘Cause the eyes of a Ranger are upon you.
Any wrong you do, he’s gonna see.
When you’re in Texas, look behind you,
’cause that’s where the Ranger’s gonna be.
That sure makes you think twice about breaking the law in Texas. It’s interesting though that that lyric makes it seem like the Texas Rangers, which is an elite group of law officers under the Texas Department of Public Safety, are omniscient, like they are all-knowing and all-seeing. The truth of the matter is, they are not.
You see, there is only one being in all the universe who is omniscient, all-knowing, all-seeing, and that is God, and today’s word of wisdom bears this truth. We read in Proverbs 15:3, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.”
Beloved, there is nothing that God does not see. Every action, every word, every attitude, even every thought. God sees that and knows that. He sees your good, praise God. But, He also sees your bad. The eyes of God are upon you, and any wrong you do, He’s gonna see.
And that truth should change the way you live today, even more than if Walker, Texas Ranger were right behind you.
Change begins in you!