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'Christmas' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Merry Xmas!!!???

Well, December 25 is almost here.  I pray that you have a Merry Xmas!!!  Oh wait, did I just unintentionally take Christ out of Christmas?   Every year we as Christians endure the seeming jab of people replacing the word “Christmas” with the word “Xmas.”  Given the increasing secularization of our great winter festival celebrating the incarnation of Jesus, it would seem…

One Messed Up Family!

Well, the Christmas season is finally fully upon us.  Indeed, it is the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also one of the most stressful times of the year.  Can I get a witness?!  Do you ever walk away from a holiday family get-together saying, “Man, I’ve got one messed up family,”?  I mean, everybody has that Cousin Eddie from…