The Bible says something absolutely mindblowing in Romans 1. It says, “The righteous shall live faith.”
Does that statement seem a little strange to you? Instead of saying the word “righteous,” let me say it a different way: “The good people shall live by faith.” You see, to be righteous is to be seen as good before God. So, the good people shall live by faith.
But do good people live by faith? I mean, don’t good people live by law? Aren’t good people good because they do the good they are supposed to do?
But that’s not what the Bible says. The Bible says, the righteous shall live by faith. And here’s why that’s not only mindblowing news but also unbelievably good news. You see, we can’t be righteous by the law of God. Our own righteousness has already been blown. It was blown the very first time we sinned. But we didn’t just sin once. We have sinned innumerable times. And no amount of good deeds, no amount of law-keeping can ever erase our sin.
You think your good outweighs your bad? That’s the wrong question. The question is, do you have any bad? And if you do, you will never be righteous in and of yourself.
No, the only way for you and me to be righteous is by faith. In other words, the only way for you and me to be righteous is for Jesus’s righteousness to be accounted to us, given to us by faith in Him. And that’s exactly what happens when we put our faith in Him.
The righteous shall live by faith because only those who live by faith in Jesus receive the righteousness of Jesus. May all of his righteousness be yours!
Change begins in you!