Do you know somebody who struggles to believe in the existence of God? Perhaps that somebody is you. People often say, I would believe in God if He would just give me a sign that He exists.
But Romans 1 says that the signs of God’s existence are all around you. And what’s more, it describes these signs as plain to see and clearly perceived every single day.
What are these signs? They are Nature itself. Creation itself. You yourself! Yes, your very being is proof that God exists.
The very existence of the universe, this planet, and all of the amazing and wondrous creatures and landscapes and biological and chemical interworkings and geological mechanics, they all scream God is, God exists, God made me! And as Romans 1 says, they testify not only to God’s existence but also to his eternal power and divine nature. This being who created all of this must be immeasurably powerful and more than a mere mortal. This being must be a God. And indeed, He is Almighty God. And one day when we stand before Him at the end of our life for judgment, we will have no excuse for rejecting His existence because the evidence is so voluminous and overwhelming.
Beloved, for the person struggling to believe in the existence of God, see with your eyes, hear with your ears, smell with your nose, taste with your tongue, feel with your skin. And open your heart. In doing so, the evidence of God will come alive to you like never before.
Change begins in you!