CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

You Are Not the End-All, Be-All

NEWS FLASH: You are not the end-all, be-all. And neither am I. We as individuals can’t do it all. That’s true in life, but that’s especially true in church life. Some wise coach once said, “There’s no i in team.” Every single person is needed.

For that reason, Apostle Paul encourages us in Romans 12 to not think of ourselves more highly than we ought. In church life, we are part of a team that God has put together to make a difference right where we live. He likens us all to a human body, which has several different members—a foot, a leg, a hand, a arm, a head, and so forth–but they all work together to accomplish whatever the body needs to do.

It’s the same with the people of God. We all have different measures of faith and different gifting. Some are gifted with prophetic truth-saying, some acts of service, some teaching, some exhortation, some generosity, some leadership, some mercy, and so on and so forth. And we are to use our different gifting in proportion to the measure of faith we have been given. But we all come together as one body for one purpose, and that is to propel the mission of Christ forward.

May we all reject the notion that we don’t need anybody to live out this Christian life, and may we lean into our church body to help make a huge impact for Christ right here in this community. I need you! And you need me. We’re better together!

Change begins in you!


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