Do you have any enemies? Seriously, do you have somebody in your life that seems to just hate your guts? Is there somebody in your life, while you probably wouldn’t say it out loud, that you have their guts?
The broken world that we live in gives us plenty of opportunities for enmity, and the world says that when it comes to your enemy, give no quarter. Show no mercy. Give them the worst because that’s what they would do to you. Do it to them before they do it to you.
But beloved, Christianity often takes the world and its ways and turns it upside down. Where the world says to hate your enemy, Jesus said in Matthew 5:44, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” The Holy Spirt through Apostle Paul says to us in Romans 12:20, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.” Paul here is quoting the wisdom of King Solomon from Proverbs 25:21.
Beloved, that’s the better way. That’s the godly way. And when we do that. Paul says that you will heap burning coals on their head, which will burn them with conviction and scorn for mistreating you. And in the end, you will overcome evil not by evil, but by good.
May you overcome evil God’s way!
Change begins in you!