CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Posts by Ben (Page 39)

Your Jubilee Is Here

Wouldn’t it be something if the United States Congress and President Obama declared that in 2012 all debts in the United States of America will be erased?  Now don’t get all political on me and start hollering about the growing extent and abuse of government under the current administration.  Work with me here!  If this were to happen, I’m not sure how…

Can I Be a Preacher?

“Can I be a preacher someday, Pastor Ben?” said the smiling little 9-year-old boy across the desk from me.  One of my joys every Sunday morning is having some of the young ones come say good morning to me there in my office.  They usually want to show me their outfit, new toy, or doll, but yesterday, I had one wanting to…

10 Ways to Be Comforted

The prophet Daniel got some really hard news in Daniel 8.  He received a vision from God telling him about this terrible ruler to come who would persecute and kill Daniel’s kinsmen and would even directly oppose God.  To be honest, Daniel didn’t take it well.  First, he swooned and passed out (Dan 8:17-18).  Then, he lay deflated and sick for days…

Help Children Love Those Who Are Different

It’s inevitable.  One day your young child as he or she developmentally matures will have their eyes opened to fact that people are different.  People come in many shapes, sizes, portions, abilities, tones, traits, and trappings, and up to a certain age, your little one will innocently be blind to all of this.  But that will change.  One day they’ll begin to notice differences…

Grow Love

Do you ever find yourself faking kindness or love to somebody?  Maybe it’s that person that sort of gets under your skin.  Maybe it’s that person who hurt you in the past.  Maybe it’s that person that you just don’t like or have a bad feeling about.  What if that person is in your church?  Should you just continue to fake it?…

One Messed Up Family!

Well, the Christmas season is finally fully upon us.  Indeed, it is the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also one of the most stressful times of the year.  Can I get a witness?!  Do you ever walk away from a holiday family get-together saying, “Man, I’ve got one messed up family,”?  I mean, everybody has that Cousin Eddie from…

When Will the Rapture Happen?

One of the most fascinating doctrines of the Bible is the doctrine of end times, properly called eschatology.  If you were to ask the average person, particularly in the Southern Baptist Convention, what’s going to happen in the end, they would certainly affirm that Jesus Christ is coming back, but they’d also likely say that Jesus’ return will be in two stages. …

The Problem of Rebaptism in SBC Churches

I absolutely love a baptism service!  Some might imagine a quiet version of “Holy, Holy, Holy” as the soundtrack to baptism, but I hear rousing, triumphant versions of “How Great Is Our God” or “Crown Him with Many Crowns” in the background.  I get a little excited!  Just ask my church.  They have laughingly said,…

The Gospel & the Culture Against Marriage

Is marriage in deep trouble here in America?  Al Mohler thinks so and has written a thought-provoking article on the state of marriage in the United States.  In case you don’t know him, Mohler is the president of the SBC’s flagship seminary, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  He’s also a frequent speaker, author, and convention leader.  In my opinion, he’s also the leading Evangelical…

Rejoice with Thankfulness in Truth

This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for many things, but certainly I’m thankful truth.  No doubt, truth is on the slide given the prevailing philosophies of our day, which mock truth and those that hold to it.  Today’s culture reportedly loves “spirituality” but hates truth.  However, Jesus has clearly said that there is direct relation between freedom and truth.  You see, there’s no freedom…