CONNECT people to Christ and POUR into their lives His teaching so they'll OVERFLOW for the glory of God

Posts by Ben (Page 32)

When a Foot Resigns

Imagine with me for a moment, your foot throwing a fit and refusing to help the body walk. Perhaps it had rather be a hand or do nothing at all. Try as the body might to get the foot to work along with the body as it has been designed to do, it will not cooperate. Eventually, the disgruntled foot detaches itself and slinks away, dragging itself forward by its toes.

Sounds silly, doesn’t it? But, we see similar scenarios play out in churches all the time…

The Eternal Destiny of Little Ones Who Die Before Trusting Christ

A good friend recently wrote me with a serious question: Where does it say in the Bible that younger children are safe from Hell up to a certain age? She, of course, is talking about the doctrine that many call “the age of accountability,” and because she’d never actually read anything about it in the Scripture herself, she was wondering if this teaching is actually in the Bible or just something she’d been told.

With a few updates, here is the basic answer I gave her, which I thought would be helpful for others as well.

How to Pray for Revival, Pt 2

Today, we continue with the final six prayer points leading to revival.  See the first six here. 7.  Recognize God’s uniqueness Isaiah declared to God, For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him, (Isaiah 64:4).  There is…

How to Pray for Revival, Pt 1

As you look at your own heart, are you in need of a revival?  Your local congregation?  The larger church universal?  Is there a great need for revival in our midst? Here’s what I mean by revival.  Stephen Olford says, “Revival is an invasion from heaven that brings a conscious awareness of God.”  Vance Havner once said that, “Revival is the church…

Fight, Flight, or Get Right

One of the shows that I’ve really loved over the years is Wild America with Marty Stouffer.  I love the beauty and the drama that is highlighted in basically my own back yard.  One of my favorite scenes is captured below.  Watch it as an illustration of what I’m about to say, and then read on. If we observe nature today, it…

Forgiveness: Pass It On

In the first post on forgiveness, I introduced our revival theme Forgiveness: Receive It and Pass It On.  In the last post, I looked at the first level of forgiveness:  Receive It.  Today, I want to take biblical look at the second level, which is captured in the phrase “Forgiveness:  Pass It On.” This level is the horizontal man to man aspect…

Forgiveness: Receive It

In the last post, I introduced our revival theme Forgiveness: Receive It and Pass It On.  Today, I want to take a biblical look at the first level of forgiveness, which is captured in the phrase “Forgiveness:  Receive It.” This level is the vertical God to man aspect of forgiveness.  Beginning in Genesis 3 where Adam falls into sin, God begins working…

Forgiveness: Receive It and Pass It On

One of the things that I often look forward to is the revival season.  We have one twice a year here at WMBC.  It’s a time of healing, a time of refreshing, a time of growth, a time of reflection, a time of motivation, a time of salvation, a time of introspection, a time of encouragement, and a time of being challenged. …

Fallen Pastor: A Book Review

There are few topics that evoke as much widespread and intense emotion as that of a pastor falling into moral failure, especially adultery.  The “man of God” stands as an under-shepherd over Jesus’ flock, who is the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:1-4).  He is the primary representative of the church to the community.  He is to be above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2). …