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'Pastor' Tagged Posts

Pastor, Abandon Not the Flock

The stillness of the night is shattered by the howl of a hungry wolf, making the wool of the sheep stand on end in terror like an electric shock just ran through it. Those little sheep really have nothing to fear as long as their brave and strong shepherd stands watching, ready to defend his sheep with his very life. The shepherd,…

The Marks of a Good Pastor

Jesus is the Good Shepherd and will one day personally shepherd His flock when He returns, but for the meantime, He has placed men over His flock who are supposed to be good shepherds as well.  These “pastors,” which is derived from the Latin word for “shepherd,” are ultimately measured by Jesus’ definition of a good shepherd. Do you have a good…

Observations Regarding the Shepherd and the Sheep

On October 20th, I had the privilege of delivering the doctrinal message at the Salem Baptist Association annual meeting.  Lonnie Wilkey, who’s the editor of our state Baptist newspaper “Baptist & Reflector,” was in attendance and later asked me to turn a section of my message into an article for the “B&R.”  The following is what I submitted to him.  The article was subsequently…