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Jeremy Vanatta’s Call for SBC Unity

If you’re Southern Baptist, you really need to check this out!  Dr. Jeremy Vanatta is beginning an important series he’s calling The Ephesians 4 Project.  The purpose is:

to seek unity among Southern Baptists around the fact that our doctrine is mostly uniform, though our practice may be less so.   It seeks to highlight the unifying principles of the Baptist Faith & Message, while allowing for diversity among Southern Baptists.  It also seeks the fulfillment of John 13:33-34 in the SBC.

The goal is to walk through each article of faith of the BF&M and demonstate how these doctrines should be enough to unify the SBC.  It’ll be a long series (around 18 articles), but it’ll be very worthwhile and helpful I believe.

Check it out at and join the conversation.


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